Visit Columbia Engineering (in-person or virtually) on a tour designed for prospective graduate students. We look forward to showing you around the campus we call home.


Join us for a campus tour! This tour is specifically designed for students who are applying to or have been admitted to, a Master's or Doctoral program at Columbia Engineering. The campus tour will showcase campus highlights such as the Seeley W. Mudd Building, Pupin Hall, The Northwest Corner Building, Science & Engineering Library, Low Library, College Walk, and more. 

Take in all that Columbia Engineering has to offer. In-person and virtual options are both available!

RSVP for a campus tour now!


Campus Highlights

Let Roar-ee show you a few of his favorite spots on the Columbia Engineering Campus Tour! 

Admissions Events

Check out our many other event offerings!

Admissions Meetings

Looking to speak with an admissions representative one-on-one? Schedule a meeting now. These meetings are about 20 minutes long and are intended to answer any questions about the graduate application process to the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Please note: any program-specific questions should be directed toward your desired department and cannot be answered by an admissions representative.